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Indoor Tanning-How does tanning work?

Tanning beds use ultraviolet (UV) light to tan people. There are three types of UV; UVA, UVB, and UVC. Tanning beds are designed to concentrate optimal levels of UVA in conjunction with very low percentages of UVB, on the outermost layers of skin so as to stimulate the production of Melanin pigment, which is slightly pink in it’s dormant state, and cause it to turn brown after excretion. The more melanin cells that are present in the skin determine the amount of pigment that will be excreted and distributed, and therefore the extent of the tan. Tanning beds are designed to filter this UVC, as this is a harmful type of UV.

Indoor Tanning-How deep can tanning rays really go?

There is an urban legend about a “Roasted Tanner” who supposedly roasted her internal organs by tanning too much. Don’t give it a second thought. A UVA ray (the rays in tanning beds) can only travel as deep as the dermis, which is the middle skin layer. UVB can’t even travel that deep.

Indoor Tanning-Why is it important to develop a base tan?

Moderate exposure to UVB helps develop a natural barrier in the skin to protect the body from excessive UV light. UVB stimulates the production of melanin, which then surrounds the core of cells to protect DNA. This melanin substance absorbs and/or scatters radiation. In addition to UVB thickens the epidermis (the top layer of skin), there by limiting the amount of UV light, which could penetrate the lower skin layers. If this photo protection (base tan) is not developed or a sunscreen is not used, sunburn can occur and the DNA of the skin cells may become damaged. Repeated sunburn can result in damaged cells, which then reproduce themselves. This can be the beginning of skin cancer.

Indoor Tanning-Do I have to take my contact lenses out when I use a tanning bed or booth?

No, although you may want to. Although eyewear will protect your eyes and lenses from UV damage, the heat emitted from the tanning equipment may dry out the lenses and irritate your eyes.

Indoor Tanning-My face and legs don’t tan very well. What should I do?

Our face is the only part of our body that does not produce it’s own moisture. Our legs become a little dryer because of clothing, hosiery etc. Fact is that moist skin tans much better that dry skin. Use a moisturizer at least twice daily. This is not only applicable to the face and legs but all parts of your body.

Indoor Tanning-What causes the scent that I smell after tanning?

In a word, “melanin” is the cause. Ultraviolet light in the UVA range causes melanin to enlarge and turn brown. During the process, dermatologists say a chemical reaction takes place. A natural side effect of the reaction is the aroma. This occurrence is normal whether you’ve been tanning inside or outside. Some tanning lotions have been designed to minimize or prevent the odor from occurring, but ultimately a shower will remove the odor.

Indoor Tanning-What should I wear to tan?

That’s up to you! Undress and tan as you wish in swimwear, underwear, etc.

Indoor Tanning-Does heat matter?

No, the temperature of the tanning unit does not play a roll in you tanning results. You will not receive a better tan if it is scorching hot or average to the touch.

Indoor Tanning-I have reached a point that I just can’t get any darker. What can I do?

Your skin actually becomes thicker as your tanning progresses and makes it difficult for UV light to penetrate the upper layers of skin. This is commonly referred to as a tanning “Plateau”. Moisturizer is extremely important at this point. Your skin cells are standing up as much as 45°, and are actually reflecting UV rays. Using a lot of moisturizing lotion will help these cells lay down and become more translucent, there- fore more receptive to UV rays. Our recommendation is to use a good step 1 tanning lotion for 2 to 3 tans to get your skin softened up then start a rotation with a step 2 tanning lotion. Rotate your tans, two tanning sessions with the step 1 tanning lotions then, one tanning session with the step 2 tanning lotion. Keep this rotation up and use plenty of moisturizer, you will get over your tanning Plateau.

Indoor Tanning-Are there certain medications that will make me sensitive to UV exposure?

Yes, you should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you have a question on any of the medications that you are currently taking.

Indoor Tanning-How do I protect a fresh tattoo?

It is important not to expose a fresh tattoo to sunlight or indoor tanning equipment, while the tattoo is still healing, since chemicals sensitive to UV exposure have been injected into the skin. Cover the tattooed area completely or don’t tan until the skin has healed. After the skin has healed the chemicals have lost their sensitivity to UV, but continue to take moderate protective measures. Tattoos will continue to lose their brilliancy with exposure to UV light, whether it comes from indoors or from outdoors.

Indoor Tanning-How often am I allowed to tan?

It is suggested a 24-hour time period to pass between tanning sessions. Pigmentation and/or over-exposure may not be fully visible for 12 to 24 hours after your original session. Two tanning session within a 24 hour period could result in an unintentional burn. Ask your salon for any specific requirements.

Indoor Tanning-How long does it take to get a tan?

This depends upon the skin type of each individual as well as the tanning equipment they are using to develop their tan. While some may notice significant results in just a few sessions, it can take others several weeks of tanning three times a week to get their “base tan”. Output of the tanning equipment and the tanning lamps is also a factor.

Indoor Tanning-Do I really need to wear goggles while tanning?

ABSOLUTELY! It is of utmost importance! Your skin can tan-your eyes can’t. Federal law requires all tanning salons to advice customers with proper eye protection. This eyewear must meet federal government standards by blocking 99% of UVA and UVB rays. Closing the eyelids, wearing sunglasses, or using cotton balls over your eyes is not adequate protection as the UV rays will easily penetrate these things and continue into the eyes. Disposal protective eyewear can be purchase in store.

Indoor Tanning-How do I prevent “raccoon eyes”?

Adjust your eyewear once in a while during your tanning session will help reduce the demarcation of tanned to non-tanned skin. You can make this adjustment by gently sliding your eyewear to a new position. You should never lift the eyewear off of your eyes during adjustment.

Indoor Tanning-Can I tan if I am pregnant?

Please consult your physician. Although we know that there is no danger from UV rays since they cannot penetrate deeper than the dermis (skin layer), pregnant women are advised to be cautious with saunas, hot tubs, and other things that can cause excessive heat to build up in the uterus.

Indoor Tanning-A 15-minute session in a tanning bed is equivalent to how many hours in the natural sun

It is difficult to make a simple comparison between the sun and modern indoor tanning equipment. Just as various kinds of indoor tanning lamps and equipment differ in spectral output and energy emitted, the sun’s strength is dependant on several factors as well, such as the time of day or year, the latitude, cloud cover, pollution and reflection. Consequently, there is no formula for relating indoor tanning exposure times to outdoor exposure times.

Indoor Tanning-If a person cannot tan in the sun, will he/she tan indoors?

Normally, a person tans indoors only as well as he/she is able to tan outdoors. Yet, those fair-skinned people who generally cannot tolerate the uncontrolled rays of the sun often achieve some color when tanning indoors. This can be attributed to a different spectral output as well as carefully timed sessions in a controlled tanning environment. Skin type, heredity, and individual photosensitivity all determine who will have success tanning indoors.

Indoor Tanning-Is indoor tanning the same as tanning outdoors in the sun?

Yes and no. The process of tanning is the same-skin is tanning by ultraviolet (UV) light. The main difference, however, is that a person can not control the amount of UV light they are exposed to while outside due to changes in the earth’s atmosphere. Also, the sun emits what is called UV light, which is the most harmful of all ultraviolet rays. Tanning beds filter this UVC light out.

Indoor Tanning-Should I shower after a tanning session?

Taking a shower after tanning will not wash your tan away. A natural tan takes 24-48 hours to develop. The tanning process occurs within the epidermis when melanocyte cells are stimulated by ultraviolet light that causes them to produce the pigment melanin. Melanin production results in the tanned appearance of the skin and is the skin’s natural defense against the sun and over-exposure, i.e. sun burning. Melanin travels to the surface, where it eventually flakes off. This process allows us to develop new skin every four to eight weeks. Keeping your skin hydrated and exfoliated will help maintain a more radiant and healthy-looking tan.

Indoor Tanning-Should I remove makeup?

It is recommended to remove any makeup or perfume before the session. Some ingredients in makeup and perfume can make skin more sensitive to UV light and lead to overexposure or sunburn.

Indoor Tanning-Do I have to sunburn first to obtain a good tan?

Like most activities in life, indoor and outdoor tanning must be done in moderation. A beautiful tan is achievable without overexposure. Reddening is a body’s warning that the skin has been overexposed to ultraviolet light. Do not ignore this warning. If you continue to expose red skin to ultraviolet rays, the skin’s natural repair mechanism becomes overloaded. This may lead to chronic light-induced skin damage in which the resilient fibers of the lower skin layers are harmed, causing them to sag.

Indoor Tanning-Why do some people itch after tanning?

Itching and/or rashes may be linked to several unrelated causes. Some people are naturally photosensitive; that is, they may have an allergy, which becomes symptomatic upon exposure to UV light. Others are susceptible to heat rashes, a cause totally unrelated to UV light. Certain chemicals or ingredients found in cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, and even the acrylic cleaner used on the beds may cause itching as well. Rashes caused by these products generally occur in localized areas on which the products were applied. You should tan with the skin as clean as possible. If discontinued use of a suspected product does not inhibit rash, you should discontinue your exposure to UV light until the condition subsides or see a physician.

Indoor Tanning-What causes White Spots?

There are several reasons why white spots become noticeable on the body once the tanning process begins: Patches of skin, which do not tan, could be the result of genetic determination. White spots could also appear due to the presence of a fungus, which lives on the skin’s surface. While the fungus is harmless, it does absorb UV light, which would normally penetrate the skin. This fungus did not appear as a result of tanning; it merely becomes noticeable once tanning occurs. It can be remedied through the use of prescription drugs or topical lotions. White patches of skin, which are often prominent on the shoulder blades and just above the buttocks, can be caused by pressure from the body as it reclines on a hard tanning bed surface. This pressure inhibits the flow of blood through that area of skin. Since blood carries oxygen, which is essential to the tanning process, this area does not tan. Periodic body shifting during tanning will make these patches disappear. Certain medications can react unfavorable with exposure to UV light.

Spray Tanning-Do I need to wear sunscreen even if I have a sunless tan?

Although you maR

Spray Tanning-How do I apply Barrier Cream correctly?

Barrier Cream is applied as a protective barrier to prevent unwanted colour on the porous areas such as hands, feet, nails and cuticles. Dispense a generous amount of Barrier Cream onto your hands and apply an even coating to the palms of the hands, in-between the fingers, tips of fingers, covering nails and around the cuticles. Also apply a generous layer of Barrier Cream to the bottom of feet, in-between the toes, covering toenails and cuticles.

Spray Tanning-Will the solution from the Sunless come off on my clothes?

Some of the bronze “cosmetic tint” colour may rub off on clothing or bed sheets. This is most likely to happen when you get dressed immediately after tanning. To minimize the chance of the tint transferring to clothing, we recommend that you wear loose-fitting, darker clothes after your Sunless session. The Cosmetic tint is water-soluble. Therefore, in most cases, the colour will come out of clothing in the wash.

Spray Tanning-Can I do a Sunless session in addition to a tanning bed?

Yes! Since Sunless tanning is UV-Free, you are welcome to tan either before or after completing a Sunless Spray tan session. Certain skin types benefit from doing a UV tan before their spray tan as this will open the pores an allow for better absorption of the spray tan solution thus creating a longer lasting tan.

Spray Tanning-How frequently do you recommend going in for a Sunless session? Can I do it several days in a row?

The frequency of Sunless tanning application depends on your skin cell turn over and preference of colour intensity. People with quick cell turn-overs may want to do a Sunless session every 5-7 days to keep colour fresh.

Spray Tanning-How many days will a Sunless tan last?

The longevity of a Sunless tan depends on the skin’s natural exfoliation process, and on the skin regimen followed before and after application. On average, a sunless tan will last 5-7 days to as much as 10 days. The “life span” of a Sunless tan also depends on your skin’s natural exfoliation. The faster your skin regenerates, the faster the sunless tan will fade. The tan created by the DHA and Erythrulose affects only the top layer of the skin and will begin to fade after 4 to 5 days as the skin naturally begins to exfoliate.

Spray Tanning-Can I do a Sunless session in addition to a tanning bed?

Yes! Since Sunless tanning is UV-Free, you are welcome to tan either before or after completing a Sunless Spray tan session. Certain skin types benefit from doing a UV tan before their spray tan as this will open the pores an allow for better absorption of the spray tan solution thus creating a longer lasting tan.

Spray Tanning-How frequently do you recommend going in for a Sunless session? Can I do it several days in a row?

The frequency of Sunless tanning application depends on your skin cell turn over and preference of colour intensity. People with quick cell turn-overs may want to do a Sunless session every 5-7 days to keep colour fresh.

Spray Tanning-How many days will a Sunless tan last?

The longevity of a Sunless tan depends on the skin’s natural exfoliation process, and on the skin regimen followed before and after application. On average, a sunless tan will last 5-7 days to as much as 10 days. The “life span” of a Sunless tan also depends on your skin’s natural exfoliation. The faster your skin regenerates, the faster the sunless tan will fade. The tan created by the DHA and Erythrulose affects only the top layer of the skin and will begin to fade after 4 to 5 days as the skin naturally begins to exfoliate.

Spray Tanning-Can I work out after a Sunless session?

It is best to wait about 6 hours after your Sunless session before partaking in any strenuous activities that may cause perspiration. This will give the DHA time to fully react with skin proteins as well as prevent streaking that could result from excessive perspiration.

Spray Tanning-How long should I wait after my Sunless session before I shower?

It is best to wait at least 4-6 hours after the sunless tan application before you shower to give the DHA time to fully react with skin proteins. The waiting time varies on skin type. The dryer your skin is the longer you should wait to shower after your session.

Spray Tanning-Why keeping skin moisturized essential to maintain great Sunless results?

It is important to keep skin moisturized after your Sunless session as dry, flaky skin will slough off faster and colour will fade sooner. Sunless tan-extending products with a light self-tanning bronzer helps hydrate skin and maintain even, natural looking colour longer by providing subtle bronzers.

Spray Tanning-Should I moisturize before I do a Sunless session?

No. You should use a moisturizer regularly to keep your skin hydrated and healthy, which will contribute to a more even, natural looking sunless tan. However, it is recommended NOT to apply moisturizers 2 hours prior to self-tanning.

Spray Tanning-How do I prepare for my Sunless session?

Please arrive showered, shaven, free of make-up, perfume, oil, body sprays and deodorant for optimal results. Wear loose, dark fitting clothing for your session.

Whitening-What is Pura Brightening?

Skin Brightening is formulated to slow down melanin production and induce mild skin peeling to help resurface a fresher and lighter skin layer. It is advised to use an SPF when outdoors while undergoing service and to avoid UV exposure. Skin brightening assist consumers who want to diminish age spots, reduce excessive pigmentation and achieve an even skin tone.

Whitening-How long will the skin brightening effect last?

It will last until you stop using it, once you stop, it can last up to 4-6 weeks.

Whitening-Once the skin is brightened is it more likely one would sunburn?

Yes. Skin brightening reduces melanin production. UV rays stimulate melanin production (pigment) and aids in the process to prevent burning. Always wear sunscreen.

Whitening-Are PURABright™ Spray Solution and skin care products safe and suitable for any skin type?

PURABright™ products are natural and gentle without any harmful ingredients such as hydroquinone and kojic acid, suitable for all ethnicities.

Whitening-Is there anyone that should not have the PURA skin brightening treatment?

Individuals who are: allergic to any active ingredients of PURABright™ Spray Solution, pregnant and lactating women, suffering skin disease, skin allergies, irritations, and/or sunburn, treated with micro-dermabrasion, should consult their physician before receiving treatment.

Whitening-Does any particular skin type respond quicker than other skin types to this service?

Yes, people with darker skin tone. Darker skin tone responds faster because the melanin level is higher and the response is noticed more quickly.

Whitening-Will skin brightening treatment lighten the colour of tattoos, moles or nipples?

It is possible. Recommended to cover tattoos, moles or nipples, or utilize PURA barrier cream.

Whitening-How Many Sessions is recommend?

It is recommended 2 – 4 time for the first 2 week follow by weekly to see a better result and recommended to continue the treatment for 4 weeks to obtain the best result, which can last up to 4-6 weeks post treatment. It is also recommended to use our Pura Bright take home product for a even better result.

Whitening-Can a client do this too much? If so, what will happen?

Clinical studies used 3x daily with no adverse results. But not recommended or necessary.

Whitening-Can skin brighteners be used while undergoing red-light therapies (which are often used to eliminate age spots, uneven pigmentation, etc.)?

Yes – this would be a perfect “skin cocktail” combination.

Red Light Therapy-What can I expect from Red Light Therapy treatments?

Treatments using red light will improve skin tone and texture, control pigmentation spots, help reduce pore size, encourage vibrant, healthier-looking skin, and reduce wrinkles. Anti-aging red light therapy stimulates circulation and repairs the elastin fibers within tissue to help keep skin firm.

Red Light Therapy-Are Red Light treatments safe? What does the FDA say?

According to the FDA, red light at 633nm has a “non-significant risk” status and is completely safe. Red light penetrates tissue to a depth of 8 – 10 mm, delivering energy to stimulate a response from the body to heal itself. Use of eye protection wear is recommended

Red Light Therapy-How does Red Light Therapy work?

Red light at 633nm is absorbed by the mitochondria of the cell and stimulates intracellular energy transfer (ATP) production for enhanced cell vitality and permeability, increased production of new collagen, and increased turnover of collagen and elastin fibers. Laboratory studies have shown that skin cells grow 150 – 200 percent faster when exposed to certain light wavelengths, and research has shown red light delivers powerful therapeutic benefits to living tissue.

Red Light Therapy-Does Red Light Therapy produce the same light as from the sun? Can it damage my skin?

Too much sunlight can affect the skin due to the emission of broad spectrum ultraviolet energy through the atmosphere. Red Light treatment bed lamps utilize the visible spectra of light at 633nm (red), but contain no UVA or UVB rays.

Red Light Therapy-How does Red Light Therapy differ from laser treatments?

Red Light Therapy does not cut, burn, or break the skin as with laser treatments. Lasers use heat and concentrated light to vaporize or remove tissue. Red Light Therapy bed lamps produce no vaporization or burning of tissue, and therefore no inflammation or erythema. Red Light Therapy is one of the few non-invasive tools available that can reverse the appearance of aging skin, such as wrinkles and mottled skin tone.

Red Light Therapy-How soon do results become noticeable?

There are few immediate changes to skin, as change occurs naturally over a period of weeks. Everyone reacts differently, depending on their age and the condition of their skin. In general, best results are achieved over an 8 – 12 week period.

Red Light Therapy-Does Red Light Therapy “Collagen Plus” treat acne, age spots, and sun damage?

Red Light helps remove the bacteria that causes acne, and generates cellular activity that deals with age spots and sun damage. Anti-aging Red Light Therapy brightens skin and reduces the formation of pigmentation marks.

Red Light Therapy-How should I prepare my skin for a red light lamp therapy session?

To ensure the best possible results of the red light treatment, it’s beneficial to cleanse the skin thoroughly beforehand. No other preparation is necessary. The use of special skin care products designed specifically for red light therapy, may dramatically improve the results experienced.

Red Light Therapy-Is it OK to wear cosmetics during the session?

Please be aware that makeup may reduce or block the effectiveness of the light. The skin’s permeability increases during the session, which improves the effectiveness of red light skin care products and allows active ingredients to penetrate deeper. For best results we recommend removing all makeup prior to use.

Red Light Therapy-Does Red Light Therapy work equally well on all skin types?

The Collagen Red Light Therapy is safe and effective for all skin types and colors. The main prerequisite is that skin be clean for effective light transmission.

Red Light Therapy-How long do the results last?

Results depend on the length of treatment and the original conditions being treated. Skin rejuvenation is a dynamic process. If maintenance treatments are discontinued, natural expression lines will gradually return over the course of time, at which point re-treatment can be put in place.